Then later that evening my good friend Joyce tweeted "When you reeaalllllyyyyy want something you make it happen. #NoExcuses" and that really just got me going and excited about today!
Amanda and I are also walking after work twice a week. Now I can technically just start going back to the gym- since i'm paying for it and haven't gone in 2 months, however, I don't want to overwhelm my body with a change in diet and more activity all at once. I want to gradually add it in so I will less likely give it all up. So even though I want to go to the gym on the other days of the week I'm going to add days in the next couple of weeks.
Week 1- 2 days of walking
Week 2- 2 days of walking; 1 day of gym
Week 3- 2 days of walking; 2 days of gym
*This also is tentative since I work at Banana Republic some nights & weekends, but you get the point.
I also have 22 days until my first check in point so #noExcuses #eyeontheprize
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