Monday, June 3, 2013

#noExcuses #eyeontheprize

So I'm starting off this week SUPER motivated! This weekend was shaky not going to lie, however we went grocery shopping yesterday and wooo what a stock fridge can do! They always say don't want to eat crappy food.. don't keep it in your house and that is exactly what we did.

Then later that evening my good friend Joyce tweeted "When you reeaalllllyyyyy want something you make it happen. "  and that really just got me going and excited about today! 

My coworker Amanda is awesome; she really wants me to meet my goals so she is helping me out as well as improving her healthy lifestyle on the way. She bought us 2 notebooks where we will note everything we eat and let the other person see it. The idea is that we have someone that can make us accountable everyday. I also use  MyFitnessPal ( I haven't used it in over 2 months but I"m back on it) this app basically calorie counts so you put in all your meals and it will let you know your calorie intake, I'm currently only eating 1,200 calories a day- which is low but needed something low to get the pounds rolling off. 

Amanda and I are also walking after work twice a week. Now I can technically just start going back to the gym- since i'm paying for it and haven't gone in 2 months, however, I don't want to overwhelm my body with a change in diet and more activity all at once. I want to gradually add it in so I will less likely give it all up. So even though I want to go to the gym on the other days of the week I'm going to add days in the next couple of weeks. 

Week 1- 2 days of walking 
Week 2- 2 days of walking; 1 day of gym 
Week 3- 2 days of walking; 2 days of gym 

*This also is tentative since I work at Banana Republic some nights & weekends, but you get the point. 

I also have 22 days until my first check in point so #noExcuses #eyeontheprize

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