Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I officially made my first juice!! I mentioned before that I was going to start juicing not as a diet but just a way to incorporate more fruit and vegetables especially when I'm always on the go. I will be putting up recipes I try, which also helps with one of my GOALS  -trying a new Pinterest recipe each week.

Juice 1: (beginner's juice)
2 apples
3 medium carrots
4 celery sticks

Every thing I read suggested that I started with apple/carrot combination as the first drink

& well at first I was like okay I can do this but towards the end

I powered through it but it wasn't the BEST taste in the world- the celery is very over powering.. Just something I will eventually get use to, but definitely worth a try if any one is starting to juice.

Does any one have a favorite juice?? Would love some recommendations!!

& I will be doing my 1 month update this weekend (can't believe it has been a month!!)

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