Monday, June 17, 2013


Today is day 1 of the detox!! So I decided to do a detox this week after Teresa sent me this one. It did not look crazy like the other detoxes I have seen, it looks reasonable and doable most importantly.  So last night we went shopping and let me tell you I have never had my cart full of that much fresh food. In terms of cost it was a little bit more but not by much- so when you think it is cheaper to eat junk food instead of healthy food it probably isn't and I'm sure I could have gotten a better deal if I went to a farmer's market but anywho. I stocked up on my fruits, veggies, etc everything the detox calls for. And as day one is wrapping up- it is ending on a good note! I love fruits and it was easy for breakfast, got a little more difficult for lunch  since I'm use to eating some kind of chicken or turkey and I know dinner will be the hardest. However, I'm just going to push through!

I have never really done a detox, so first I didn't think I could do it and I don't believe I will lose 10+ pounds in 7 days like it claims. I'm doing this for a restart moment on my body.  A lot of doctors recommend some type of detox before you start eating healthy or changing up your diet and because Ashley bought me a juicer  and I will start juicing more veggies in to my meals I thought this was a perfect time! 

I think once Thursday is over I can sail right into the weekend

So bring it on!! 


Thursday, June 13, 2013


This just made me LOL because I do hate people who are constantly "OMG look at me - I'm so healthy, I"m so fit, let me instagram EVERYTHING healthy" #gymrat #healthy #lookatmybody #fitspo #thin #imanidiot actually it is a "friend" from high school but still SHUT UP
& I know Rudy would never let me be that girl..

However I will eat my spinach and be happy

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Be Nice To Yourself

This post has taken a little bit longer to publish because I am still processing everything, so this post might be somewhat of a rant. 

One of my friends SnapChatted me and the caption read something like "be nice to yourself" I was half a sleep when I opened it but that part stuck with me (besides that her hair looked great in the picture). A few days ago my best friend Teresa reblogged this picture on Tumblr- 

So that being said, I was extremely hard on myself yesterday. I felt very overwhelmed by EVERYTHING!! I started off the day  indulging in a mini cheese danish- thought I didn't like them clearly I was wrong- I ATE 3 of those mini suckers!! Okay so my day went from okay- to bad- to worse; Negative Nancy made a stupid comment/face about me eating a veggie option in stead of one that had bacon, or sausage (work was having a breakfast event) So that just got me fired up, I then spent about 3 hours looking at blogs, mostly blogs about weight loss, ALL were moms, wives, 30 something year old who had a great success story, lost 50+ pounds, etc. They were definitely motivational and inspiring but this is how I felt-
This was my face with a little bit of tears 
In that moment I started to tear myself up , I started to go crazy planning! I was mad that I ate the danishes, mad that I'm only walking instead of going to the gym, mad about everything! I started to make a new schedule where I would wake up at 5:30am to get to the gym (which is now a 20min commute from our new apartment) to then drive an hour to Columbia where I work by 8am. I started to panic that I haven't seen any movement down on the scale, basically feeling that I have not done enough!! The rest of the day was a bust, I didn't want to talk to anyone and definitely didn't want to go on a walk with Amanda. 

Thankfully by 5 o'clock I was able to snap out of it and even convinced Amanda that we should jog the first lap to burn off all the danishes. I felt great after the workout!! But this shows exactly what Ashley said to me last night; I'm so hot & cold about this whole journey, I want to do everything all at once and when I don't see any change, I"m done I freak out I want to cry, etc.  Instead of seeing these other blogs as inspiration and motivation I see it as why am I not there yet,why did they lose 10lbs the first week and I haven't. I realize that we don't have the same body, some of these women's starting weight are 230+ and I really can not and should not measure how long it takes me by how long it took them. 

And I"m doing the best Gigi can do; I'm making changes- slowly but surely to get to my goals.

 I end this post with something I saw this morning on Instagram 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Reflection

A rainy Friday definitely makes me more pensive than usual. This morning's topic:  Am I happy with the progress of this week? No.  

I don't even know where to start but I don't feel like I have been giving this "lifestyle change/healthy lifestyle" my 110%. There have been times when I think that I just didn't make the healthier decision. When I say that I mean that instead of eating some fruit in between jobs on Wednesday I decided to buy sweet potato fries & 4 piece nuggets from Burger King instead. I told myself that I would only eat half the order of small fries and still have to work at Banana Rep. for 3 hours so it balances out. I still put that snack into the MyFitnessPal app and I was still inside my 1200 calorie budget, however seconds after I took my last bite I went on Instagram and saw all of my healthy/fitness or people just working on losing weight putting up encouraging pictures, healthy recipes , etc. and I felt like CRAP!!! I become very hard on myself when I have weak moments like that because when will the cycle stop. It is a "small" meal now but then it snowballs into an actual meal then a weekend then finally an entire week and I'm back at square one.

I know that I shouldn't be this hard on myself but I want to be honest with how I'm feeling during this process, which brings me into my next emotional vent. I'm so use to craving everything. Everyone I'm close to knows that when I crave something it won't stop until I get it. It can be anything and everything from Red Lobster cheddar biscuits to a strawberry milkshake (my most recent cravings). And now that I'm trying to eat better my cravings have gotten even more crazy!

I want to believe that it is mental and I need to overcome this, just like an AAA person deals with craving alcohol. I think they say once you get to Week 4 it becomes habit and don't get cravings as much, so ending Week 2, lets hope it gets better!

 A co-worker is being bitchy about this eating healthy and being more active; Amanda and I are being vocal to have even more accountability at work and our manager Renee is very health conscious so she has given us some advice; however this co-worker is just so negative and says lil side comments about what she does (mind you she drinks a can of Coca Cola in every meal- clearly not someone I want to take advice from) and will either tempt us or tell us these cravings are just because we are depriving ourselves. I have so many people rooting me on but that one Negative Nancy is the one that I hear the loudest! I found the first person that wants to see me fail (I'm sure she doesn't but feels like it). Haters are Motivators ha

I want to be proactive about these cravings and really get other options so thanks to Pinterest I found this!

Definitely going grocery shopping to buy some of these items as well as trying a Pinterest recipe this week!!! If anyone has any suggestions on what I should do so I won't think about cutting corners or how to deal with cravings or anything really it would be awesome!! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


This one is short & simple!

We had a cookie cake for work today.. & I ate a slice... .& have no regrets!!

Whatever Drunk gif

 I don't want to feel guilty or feel like it was my cheat for the day or a reward of some kind.

1. I'm not a dog and don't need a reward for having a couple of healthy days

I had it, I enjoyed it, I'm moving on. I"m not having another piece. I'm also drinking a tall glass of water now and doing a longer walk today.

I know it is silly to make a post about this but I don't want to snowball into eating another slice or convincing Ashley when I get home to buy take out but most importantly I don't want  internalize any guilt. I want to own my slip and keep it moving!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

#noExcuses #eyeontheprize

So I'm starting off this week SUPER motivated! This weekend was shaky not going to lie, however we went grocery shopping yesterday and wooo what a stock fridge can do! They always say don't want to eat crappy food.. don't keep it in your house and that is exactly what we did.

Then later that evening my good friend Joyce tweeted "When you reeaalllllyyyyy want something you make it happen. "  and that really just got me going and excited about today! 

My coworker Amanda is awesome; she really wants me to meet my goals so she is helping me out as well as improving her healthy lifestyle on the way. She bought us 2 notebooks where we will note everything we eat and let the other person see it. The idea is that we have someone that can make us accountable everyday. I also use  MyFitnessPal ( I haven't used it in over 2 months but I"m back on it) this app basically calorie counts so you put in all your meals and it will let you know your calorie intake, I'm currently only eating 1,200 calories a day- which is low but needed something low to get the pounds rolling off. 

Amanda and I are also walking after work twice a week. Now I can technically just start going back to the gym- since i'm paying for it and haven't gone in 2 months, however, I don't want to overwhelm my body with a change in diet and more activity all at once. I want to gradually add it in so I will less likely give it all up. So even though I want to go to the gym on the other days of the week I'm going to add days in the next couple of weeks. 

Week 1- 2 days of walking 
Week 2- 2 days of walking; 1 day of gym 
Week 3- 2 days of walking; 2 days of gym 

*This also is tentative since I work at Banana Republic some nights & weekends, but you get the point. 

I also have 22 days until my first check in point so #noExcuses #eyeontheprize