This post has taken a little bit longer to publish because I am still processing everything, so this post might be somewhat of a rant.
One of my friends SnapChatted me and the caption read something like "be nice to yourself" I was half a sleep when I opened it but that part stuck with me (besides that her hair looked great in the picture). A few days ago my best friend Teresa reblogged this picture on Tumblr-
So that being said, I was extremely hard on myself yesterday. I felt very overwhelmed by EVERYTHING!! I started off the day indulging in a mini cheese danish- thought I didn't like them clearly I was wrong- I ATE 3 of those mini suckers!! Okay so my day went from okay- to bad- to worse; Negative Nancy made a stupid comment/face about me eating a veggie option in stead of one that had bacon, or sausage (work was having a breakfast event) So that just got me fired up, I then spent about 3 hours looking at blogs, mostly blogs about weight loss, ALL were moms, wives, 30 something year old who had a great success story, lost 50+ pounds, etc. They were definitely motivational and inspiring but this is how I felt-
This was my face with a little bit of tears |
In that moment I started to tear myself up , I started to go crazy planning! I was mad that I ate the danishes, mad that I'm only walking instead of going to the gym, mad about everything! I started to make a new schedule where I would wake up at 5:30am to get to the gym (which is now a 20min commute from our new apartment) to then drive an hour to Columbia where I work by 8am. I started to panic that I haven't seen any movement down on the scale, basically feeling that I have not done enough!! The rest of the day was a bust, I didn't want to talk to anyone and definitely didn't want to go on a walk with Amanda.
Thankfully by 5 o'clock I was able to snap out of it and even convinced Amanda that we should jog the first lap to burn off all the danishes. I felt great after the workout!! But this shows exactly what Ashley said to me last night; I'm so hot & cold about this whole journey, I want to do everything all at once and when I don't see any change, I"m done I freak out I want to cry, etc. Instead of seeing these other blogs as inspiration and motivation I see it as why am I not there yet,why did they lose 10lbs the first week and I haven't. I realize that we don't have the same body, some of these women's starting weight are 230+ and I really can not and should not measure how long it takes me by how long it took them.
And I"m doing the best Gigi can do; I'm making changes- slowly but surely to get to my goals.
I end this post with something I saw this morning on Instagram