I haven't had coffee in a couple weeks but I love coffee dates and my obsession with Kelly and Michael I choose this mug for our coffee date...
- I'd smile and tell you I'm so happy we are having coffee
- I'd tell you that I'm okay and everything will be okay
- I'd share that I'm sad and still find myself crying more often than I would like but the more we talk the more I know we need this
- I would tell you that I lost 11lbs officially this summer which makes me so happy
- I would tell you that the pants I'm wearing right now are a size 12 from BANANA REPUBLIC
- I would confess that the scene from The Notebook (my favorite scene) "It wasn't over .. It still isn't over" has been playing in my head over and over this weekend -
- I would tell you that there are days where I want to leave and not talk to anyone- not know anyone and just disappear for a year including not talking to my closest friends or family
- I would tell you that Ashley is still the only person that knows everything I"m feeling and I feel comfortable being vulnerable in front of her
- I would tell you that I feel like no none understands what I'm feeling or what I want to do
- I would tell you that I ran 5 miles yesterday with the most beautiful views and loved every minute of it
- I would confess that summer has always been my favorite season but I'm longing for fall- I'm longing for sweatshirts and my TOMS; maybe I'm just longing for last fall
- I would make a joke about someone in the coffee place and I would laugh and laugh because all I want to do these days is laugh
Hope everyone has a great Monday!! Starting my 21 days Mediation with Oprah today and I'm really excited!
& yes that was my weight update down 11lbs and will measure soon I promise!
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