Monday, October 14, 2013

One year update!!

I didn't really become committed to a lifestyle change until this blog (end of May). And if anyone is still reading this you can tell my motivation has been in a downward spiral. I guess it has a lot to do with wanting to sulk and eat instead of being active and responsible for my progress. And after going home this weekend for my sister's bridal shower and seeing these pictures I think slowly things are starting to click again. 

But anyways exactly a year ago this weekend I went to a wedding and wore a black dress and felt pretty okay  that day- for the most part however when I saw candid pictures from the photographer and tagged on Facebook- I WAS MORTIFIED. Well a little redemption this weekend because I felt pretty darn good! Everyone was complimenting me and commenting on my weight loss. In all honesty I don't feel thin- I haven't been committed for the last couple of weeks so I wasn't expecting those reactions AT ALL. But holy moly when I saw these pictures side by side TALK ABOUT MOTIVATION!! 

MY ARMS!! rough stuff  (also love that both were candid so no posing/camera angel) 

I don't really remember how much I was weighting for the wedding-I'm assuming around 195 lbs. so it still 12lbs difference from now but I think what sticks out the most is how lean I look. I think that is why my family was so shock because I may only be down 12lbs but working out makes me look a lot thinner. I"m obviously ecstatic with these picture and the difference a year can make! 

So I may be stuffing my face after work but this weekend definitely gave me a push to keep going! Dammit I deserve to reach my goal before the year ends!!!  

Gertrude (my fatty alter-ego) ;)

Thursday, October 3, 2013


In blog land like in real life there are trends. The popular weight loss bloggers will try something or announce a new challenge and within a couple of hours/days most will follow and join in on the detox, Jillian Michael video, or monthly challenge. Well last month Skinny Meg announced her DietBet and everyone joined in- 887 participants and the pool was $22,575! You bet 25$ (joining fee) to lose 4% of your weight in one month at the end the winners divide the pool of money. Of course every participant had to submit a picture of their weight in the beginning of the month and at the end to make sure no one cheated. Well I decided not to join in because I wanted to see how it all worked out and I knew I was still not mentally focused to lose weight.

However October is here & I"m ready to end the year strong!! And if you know me you know I'm a sucker for bets, some would call it a gambling problem but not the time to get into that. Ashley isn't a gambler but she is competitive so with a little bit of shit talking I had her convinced to do it with me. We did the same rules as the official DietBet however if we both lose our 4% we would just go out for a nice dinner or buy something for the apartment. We did add a little twist so we save some money and avoid crappy temptations. Every time one of us eats fast food- the same amount you spend on the meal has to be added into the pool of money. We officially started yesterday and already I put money in the pool HA but it is game face on - & Ashley is GOING DOWN

Starting Weight- 183.6lbs
4% to lose -7.3lbs.