Just an overall blah day.. I'm not sure if it is post PMS but I'm just drained and sad. I really just want to crawl back into bed after work but forcing myself to go to the gym since tomorrow I can't because I work all day.
Looking at a new blog today and she lost 60lbs in 7 months! Talk about hard work and dedication! Check out Jess and her story!
She posted this quote today . "Actually, I just woke up one day and decided That I didn't want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. So I changed. Just like that. " - Unknown"
And even though I feel crappy and don't want to go to the gym this sounds about right so just have to push through whatever this is. In the meantime I"m looking at gym clothes/new running sneakers! I have Under Armour sneakers now but think my gift to myself after 10lbs down will be these babies!
Happy Wednesday y'all
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