Friday, April 4, 2014

Follow Through Friday: Self-Sabotage


This might be a debbie downer Follow Through Friday post however I have promised myself to be authentic on this blog as well as a space where I can be accountable. With that being said I need to be honest with myself. 

I AM MY BIGGEST DOWNFALL. Every time I get some momentum, get the hang of it, show myself I can actually do it "this time". I stop! I justify everything and say to myself, "this won't hurt the whole thing', "one time won't hurt", "I can't deprive myself it will only cause a binge", "I'm learning balance" etc etc you get the point. And after I finished the cleanse last week I was feeling great I saw that it was doable even when I went out to eat. But the weekend came and I had a turkey burger with fries then Chinese food for two days then it was Monday and I did no groceries and didn't prep-FAIL OF A WEEK. 

I did go to the grocery store on Tuesday and was able to continue some of it but I don't feel great. Boot camp is officially over since I"m leaving but the weather has been good enough that I have gone on some runs (even cut my mile by 3 mintues in a week) HOWEVER self sabotage is real and it is my life.

Honestly I do not know how to stop it? I put up post it notes around my mirror. I have a motivational background on my phone. I tell myself one day at a time, one meal at a time and during the week or for most of the day I'm good but then I see temptations and can't deny myself.  I'm really nervous about moving back to NJ and having temptations everywhere! My mother's cooking is all rice, there are bakeries with fresh bread around my house, so many things I haven't had in awhile that I don't know how I'm going to get to my goal weight for the summer/memorial day weekend. 

Any advice would help! Definitely feeling defeated about this journey.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly of AdvoCare Cleanse (1 week later)

This will be a quick post! I finished my AdvoCare cleanse last week. And the results were okay. I decided not to weight myself or measure just go by pictures. I felt great throughout however had a few temptations and gave in here and there. I had mentioned that I was leaving Baltimore (leaving on Saturday) and had a few drinks/dinner lined up throughout the cleanse. I drank twice sangria and a mojito and overall did look for the healthier options when eating out but who can say no to warm french bread ALL THE TIME.

I would love to do the cleanse again 100% and even think I would consider the 24 day cleanse. It definitely showed me that it is a mental game but 100% doable if you prep and want to do it.

Day 1 vs. Day 11

Birthday vs Day 11 
The biggest difference I saw was in my middle section and my face. I felt so uncomfortable  for my birthday and the day after the cleanse finished I couldn't stop taking pictures! I felt great!! 

I definitely understand the hype and would recommend AdvoCare for anyone wanting to do a cleanse without the craziness that some entail. 
