Friday, February 14, 2014

Flu & Vegas

I have been sick for almost a week now with the flu (yes the one everyone dreads) I couldn't go to work for the whole week plus all the snow ugh I was on the couch dying for days! My goal was to be better by today because I'm going to Vegas for the long weekend. My job hosts an annual conference in different cities each time and this year the whole company is going to Vegas- it will be my first time and i'm soooo excited! still under the weather but mama is going to make it work! Thankfully this is the trial Vegas and I'm going back in June for a bachelorette (operation Vegas body in FULL EFFECT starting next week)

Any who Valentine's Day was always something I celebrated with my best friend Teresa we always went all out and I wish we did something this year.. in need of the extra loving but ehhh c'est la vie and I have so much love in my life and it is a beautiful thing!
